Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Business Portal

Business Portal

Orphaned Kittens - 7 Essential Lifesavers Found In Your Home

Posted: 22 Jul 2008 01:56 AM CDT

Are you capable of saving an orphaned kitten’s life?

It is a sad fact that many newborn kittens face life without their mother, either through abandonment or by being orphaned. So what should you do if you find yourself needing to be a surrogate mother to a small and fragile orphaned kitten?

Surprisingly, it is fairly straightforward to care for your orphaned or abandoned kitten successfully. The most burdensome aspect of the whole process is the amount of time you will need to invest in the care of this newborn bundle of fur. Also, you will need to equip yourself with seven essential pieces of kit that will be required to help you with your task. First, you will need to find a suitably sized cardboard box, then:
A hot water bottle.

Suitable nesting material.

An eye dropper.

2ml hypodermic syringe fitted with 5cm plastic tubing.

Baby bottle sterilizing solution.

An old towel.

These items will enable you to provide your orphaned kitten with the basics of life - warmth and nourishment.

A kitten’s mother keeps her offspring warm with her own body heat but you will need to place your kitten’s box near a radiator to keep it warm. Newborn kittens can become chilled very quickly and they need a temperature of 30-35 degrees centigrade in their first week of life, with 25 degrees thereafter.

As an alternative, a hot water bottle placed under one corner of their box will provide the warmth needed and your kitten will have the choice of moving to a cooler area of its home if it chooses.

It is important to make sure that your kitten cannot climb out of its box. Once away from its home, your kitten will become chilled very quickly. However, the box must be roomy enough to allow your kitten to move and play easily, whilst still providing security and a comfortable temperature. Using an old towel to partially cover the open top of the box is a good way to meet all these needs.

One job of a mother cat is making sure that her kittens are kept clean and that their bedding doesn’t remain soiled. As you now have that responsibility, you will need to provide clean bedding regularly. Old newspaper is good for this as it can easily be removed and disposed of when dirty.

Once you have made sure that your kitten’s warmth and security have been adequately provided for you will need to address the problem of feeding.

You will need to learn the technique of feeding your kitten with an eye dropper or, for larger kittens, a plastic tube attached to a syringe. Patience and persistence will be the order of the day! You will be able to get suitable kitten formula milk from your vet, together with any equipment you are short of and good pet stores generally have a range of equipment suitable for nursing small kittens. Always remember to sterilize bottles and equipment after each use, just like you would with a baby.

Place your kitten on an old towel on a firm surface - you lap will do if you feel that is sufficiently secure. Gently steady your kitten’s head as you carefully squeeze a drop of milk into its mouth. With luck and patience, your orphaned kitten’s suckling reflex will kick in and they will start to feed. Ensure that the teat is always full of milk and that you keep up a gentle pressure in response to your kitten’s sucking.

Follow your vet’s advice on the amount of formula to feed your kitten and always remain alert to the general health of your small orphan. If you are at all worried or concerned about any aspect of your kitten’s health don’t hesitate to call in the professionals and consult your vet without delay.

The sense of parental pride you will feel as you see your orphaned kitten grow and develop will be amazing. Your intervention, care and dedication, given with love, to this tiny and helpless creature has secured a happy and healthy future for a kitten that would otherwise have perished at birth.

So, yes! You certainly can save your orphaned kitten’s life. But to succeed in this endeavour you will need to learn a great deal about how to give the essential care needed to replace a missing mother cat. It will be necessary to have all the information and guidence to hand and it will be your responsibility to acquire it and put it into practice. Your trouble will be well rewarded in the joy and pleasure of sharing your home with your healthy, loving kitten!

Why Having A Website For Your Business Is Not Enough

Posted: 21 Jul 2008 02:05 AM CDT

So, you have built a website; however, you simply are not getting the results you have been looking for. You are not getting enough traffic.

If you are getting enough traffic, that traffic is not being converted to sales. Why is this? Why is your website not producing the results you want?

Well, simply put, just putting a website up for your business is not enough, you have to make it work for you.

Here are some tips that can help you build a functional and profitable website.
1.Navigation. Your website needs to be easily navigated. Your visitors and potential customers need to be able to find exactly what they are looking for when they need it.

If you make your visitors hunt for anything, you can be sure that they will get frustrated easily and give up, which means you have just lost a potential sale.

Therefore, make sure that all pages connect with each other and can be navigated to and from any point of your website with extreme ease.

2.Professionalism. Your website must scream professionalism. It must have a professional look, feel, and design.

Your graphics should be clean and crisp, as well as appealing.

3.Lure Traffic. Make use of helpful advertising methods such as pay per click, AdWords, AdSense, and the like.

These are great methods of getting targeted traffic. Targeted traffic is crucial.

If you are in the business of cake decorating, you want those interested in cake decoration, confections, and other aspects. Someone looking for pet food will have no interest in this website.

Getting traffic is great, but if it is not targeted you are getting nothing but empty traffic.

4.Sales. To increase your sales, you need to increase your likability. This means you have to gain the trust of your visitors.

You can do this by prominently displaying your guarantee, privacy policy, and terms and condition statements.

5.Build Your Customer Database. You can get contact information of your potential customers to ultimately turn them into paying customers by offering them something for free.

Everyone loves free stuff. Maybe a free report based on your niche would be perfect. You would offer this free report, e-book, or other product on each page of your website.

At the same time, you want to place this in an area that contains text boxes designed to grab your customers name and email address at the minimum.

All of the above tips are perfect for increasing your traffic and increasing your sales, which is ultimately what you are looking for.

The success of your internet business depends on the success of your website.

While there is certainly a lot to think about, creating the best possible website solution for your business doesn’t have to be overwhelming.

The web has grown up to be a terrific marketing medium for small businesses and organizations. Done right, it can be the most cost effective and powerful marketing and communication tool in your arsenal

The elements of a successful web presence: small business web hosting, website design and development and web marketing are only the framework for a well thought-out web solution designed to reach your customers and truly benefit your business.

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