Thursday, May 15, 2008

Business Portal

Business Portal

How I Created a Cash Pulling Machine that Pulls-In Cash on Autopilot? Part 2

Posted: 14 May 2008 10:35 PM CDT

n part 1 I have covered the first 2 steps of building your own cash pulling machine…

Step 1 - Research a Niche.

Step 2 - List Building.

Step 3 - Product Development.

Step 4 - Website Setup.

Step 5 - Drive Traffic.

Now lets get started with step 3 where I will show you how you can get started instantly creating your own products.
Step 3 - Product Development.

The easy way to get started making money on the internet is to signup under an affiliate program and make money promoting other people’s products.

Make sure you test your niche by promoting affiliate programs before you start creating your own product.

Once you are confident in your niche and the income that you can earn, it is time to start creating your own product.

There are multiple ways to get started creating your own product…

1. Resell Rights.

Sell resell right products. It is easy and dirt cheap to get rights of digital products like ebooks and softwares for under 100 bucks.

Pick up a quality product, create your own website and get started with it.

A simple 50 buck resell right ebook can end up making you thousands of dollars. This is not a hype, I have personally did this multiple times.

2. PLR Product.

You can get rights to any PLR product and modify it the way you want.

PLR product provides you complete rights to a product where you can do whatever you wish with the product.

3. Video Package.

This is the fastest way to get started. Just combine your knowledge into a video based product and get started with it.

4. Audio Package.

This is also extremely fast. Record your voice and create a killer product of your own.

You can have your own product with this system within days.

5. Digital Ebook or Software.

You can create your own digital ebook in your niche.

Simple pdf ebooks are easy to create. You will just have to spend some time creating an ebook and then you can sell multiple copies of this ebook without any investment on your part.

Once you have your own product lets start building your website…

Step 4 - Website Setup.

This step includes 2 steps to go…

1. Design a Killer Minisite.

There are many HTML templates available. Pick up one template and start creating your own site.

2. Copywriting.

Write your own salesletter for your product. Make sure you focus on the benefits that your product will provide your visitors and solve their most pressing problems in the copy.

This will make sure that you have a top notch selling website that will help you to sell bucketloads of your products.

In part 3 of this article we will talk about step 5, driving traffic to your website.

How I Created a Cash Pulling Machine that Pulls-In Cash on Autopilot? Part 3

Posted: 13 May 2008 10:36 PM CDT

In part 1 I have covered the first 2 steps of building your own cash pulling machine.

In part 2 I have covered steps 3 and 4.

In this article I will get into step 5 and reveal you one of the most powerful traffic generation systems, when followed can literally convert your site into a traffic pulling machine.

Before we get started with step 5, let me list down the 5 steps to setup a cash pulling machine…

Step 1 - Research a Niche.

Step 2 - List Building.

Step 3 - Product Development.

Step 4 - Website Setup.

Step 5 - Drive Traffic.

Lets move on to step 5 and drive tons of targeted traffic to your website starting today…

Step 5 - Drive Traffic.

Now that you have your own product, a killer money making website and a powerful system into place that will make you a killer income, your next goal is to drive tons of targeted website traffic.

This is one of the most frustrating steps for a webmaster.

The reason being, traffic generation is either expensive or takes HUGE time.

However nothing is for FREE. But if you are willing to work, I will show you a killer system in this article that will literally convert your site into a cash and traffic pulling machine.

The system I will lay down right here is known as VRE. Full form of VRE is ‘Virtual Real Estate’.

You must focus on building an authority site in your niche.

VRE includes creating hundreds even thousands of lazer focussed content rich pages optimized with keywords in your niche.

Then focus your efforts in getting hundreds of incoming links into your site from tons of places.

As top search engines including google loves unique quality theme based content site and tons of incoming links, your site will achieve top rankings for your keywords and literally become a traffic magnet in your niche.

To setup such a system is very easy. All it will take is time and efforts on your part.

If you wish you can also outsource this entire project. If you build up thousands of pages on your site with unique content and get tons of links, believe it or not your site will attract traffic, sales, profits and leads on autopilot with very less efforts on your part.

So whatever you do focus your efforts in setting up VRE.

Surefire Way To Making Money With Affiliate Programs

Posted: 12 May 2008 10:37 PM CDT

Don’t have a web site? Don’t have a list of avid buyers? No problem.

Making money with web marketing is not pretty hard. It’s been said that 5% or less of net entrepreneurs make enough money to buy a reasonable dinner or a pizza. But those ‘wanna be web entrepreneurs are spending the dinner money, the food money and in a fewsad cases are going into burdensome debt attempting to discover the holy grail leading to six figure incomes.
I know, been there, done that, and don’t want to ever go through it again. It is humiliating to look your spouse or girlfriend in the eyes and say that I know I’m close to riches, I just have to discover that hidden secret. Or you prematurely quit your day job when the cash seems to be flowing only to findGoogle, Yahoo or MSN have altered their Adsense contextual ad algorithms or your Adwords account is draining your bank account faster than the Rooter Router man.

However, don’t give up the ship yet, it only is leaking a little water and with the correct bilge pumps you can stay cruising, at least, until aid arrives.

Before you leap from one wonderful sounding ebook, software or membership site keep asking yourself if it fits in with your overall marketing plan. Only then, if it does, should you invest. Jumping from “this is the key, to this is a winner” and other ‘can’t miss’ sales copy is the #1 reason that 95% of newbies/net marketers fail to make significant income on the web. Becoming easily unfocused is a absolute pathway to failure!

Hopefully you won’t have to keep looking for that magic potion if you follow some of these appropriate steps:

After the smoke clears the victors left are those that had:

1. Luck (where action meets opportunity) 2. Determination (you have be super-focused and not let distractions mislead your marketing plan for success) 3. Guts (having the intestinal fortitude to think ‘outside the box’. 4. Vision (if you don’t know where you are going you will flounder on the rocks)

Here is one simple way to make money with affiliate programs.

1. Discoverpopular products on 2. Create a bonus 3. Write copy that pre-sells, web blog or newsletter to earn cash with affiliate programs. All it takes is a marketing plan and ACTION!

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