Saturday, May 10, 2008

Business Portal

Business Portal

10 tips to generating free traffic

Posted: 09 May 2008 09:07 PM CDT

10 tips to Generating more Traffic to your Site

1. The first and most obvious is submit your site to multiple search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, Ask there are hundreds of search engines. Submitting to these sites can be a chore so here is a simple tool used to submit your sites automatically.

2. Submit your site to Directories like Yahoo, DMOZ, Newsisfree etc.. there are thousands of directory sites out there that you can submit your site to. Just do a simple search for Directory sites

3. Find forums in your niche, join the forums and join in the conversation. Make yourself valuable to the forums use your site url in your signature etc.. But do not spam the forums you will look bad and chances are you will bet banned.
3. Find forums in your niche, join the forums and join in the conversation. Make yourself valuable to the forums use your site url in your signature etc.. But do not spam the forums you will look bad and chances are you will bet banned.

4. Sign up an account with Squidoo, Squidoo is a website designed to make it easy for anyone, for free, to set up a single page on a topic he or she knows or cares a lot about. You will get valuable links and your Squidoo lens will be crawled by search engines like google.

5. Sign up for an account with, by signing up for stumbleupon you can create a public profile where you can share your website with other stumbleupon members. You can also view other memebers sites and leave reviews and more.

6. Include your links in all email correspondence and anywhere you have a digital conversation.

7.Update your site on a regular basis. One of the biggest mistakes a lot of affiliate marketers do is build a static site that just goes stale. Search engines like sites that are updated often and have content added on a regular basis.

8. Write articles, yep thats right you can write your own articles and submit them to article sites such as, and more. Do not just write 1 article you want to flood the article sites with at least 10-15 articles a week.

9. Have RSS feeds. RSS feeds are basically a feed that your visitors can subscribe to, this will let your visitors know when your site is updated and of any important news. This is also a great marketing tool that you can use to let your subscribers know of new products etc.. RSS feeds may seem scary but they are not and can be easily generated and used if you have the right tools.

10. The last step is don’t stop. Thats right do not stop working at generating traffic, if you stop your efforts your traffic will drop. A lot of first time marketers make the mistake of working for a couple of weeks then they stop. They fail and then they never try again. You can be great, you can get the traffic you need it just takes a lot dedication, work and persistence.

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