Friday, April 11, 2008

Business Portal

Business Portal

Discover How to Start An Online Business Affiliate Program

Posted: 10 Apr 2008 09:53 PM CDT

Many people to the online business world choose Affiliate programs because they are the easiest to start online. They are the simplest and most cost effective for a beginner because there is virtually no

overhead. If you were to start any other online business you would first have to create a product or service, and then break your back filling orders. For a more experienced online marketer it is fairly easy,

for someone new to the business world it can be a daunting task.

Selling your own product involves creating a website, learning to and then writing ad copy, being able to accept payment online, then after all that doing the actual work. If you are selling actual product, then
you get the time consuming task of buying, packaging, and paying postage for the product on it’s way out. If you are providing a service then you will probably have to give away free service just to get your

credibility built up and your name well know. Even then you will need to figure out how to provide such a service that you can handle without over doing it. This is a lot of stress and mind boggling work for

anyone, let alone a beginner in the world of online business.

Affiliate Programs are the best way to begin an online business, to dip your toe into the water. There are even those who are labeled ‘Super Affiliates’ who have learned to make a very good living from affiliate

programs. So depending on what you want from such a program you can use it to make you some extra spending money, as training wheels into the business realm, or if you are very ambitious you can make a

lucrative income from it.

Affiliate programs allow you to sell another company’s product or service from the safety and convenience of your own home. They generally pay you by commission on every sale or lead, depending on the

program. You do not need a website, nor do you need to handle the transaction. Your sole purpose is to drive traffic to your affiliate link. In essence you are like the man standing on the street with a sign

adverting cheap oil changes at the next filling station. However, unlike the man with a sign on the side of the street, you get to advertise from the anonymity of your own home and at the same time reap the


You drive the customers to the affiliates link, which is a special URL code that will tell the company which consumer came from your advertising. It is usually the website address along with a code attached at

the end. There are also affiliate programs that have tiers, which means if someone comes to their business interested in selling the product, and they have your code attached to them then you could get a small

share of their earnings as well. Every opportunity to make more money is always a great incentive to jump in.

By researching the popularity of the different programs you are interested in, you can find out which ones attract the most attention from the public. If people are buying a service or product online then it may

be a program you would profit from joining. You can use different sources online to find these details out. One such source is the Overture keyword tool. By simply typing the subject and then affiliate program

into the search engine you will see which programs have services or products for that area.

When you have found a program that looks promising, make sure you read the terms of the affiliate program closely, No one should enter business blind. You will want to make sure that the payouts are not

based on a high commission, if this is true you may never see your money. By taking advantage of all that the affiliate programs have to offer you will have the opportunity to make money while getting a course

in how to conduct online business. It is a wonderful way to get your feet wet in starting an online business, and may eventually lead you to bigger and better business opportunities.

I suggest you to read more information at,, and dengarblogku blog.

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