Friday, March 7, 2008

Business Portal

Business Portal

Using Current Web Stats to Increase Profits

Posted: 05 Mar 2008 10:20 PM CST

Many webmasters and site owners hardly take their web stats seriously enough. Yet the truth is that these figures and numbers can be used to make a big difference to the total traffic your site receives. In actual fact you can use your web stats to dramatically boost you volume of traffic so that it grows in leaps and bounds. Interestingly enough, even people who have excellent web stats barely find the time to look at them, let alone carefully analyze them as they should. Others do not have an effective enough tool to track their traffic.At least not one that gives them a pretty good idea of where that traffic has come from and what keyword phrases have been used at a search engine to find them. Or even which of your pages are the most popular and how long on average most of your visitors are spending on each page. These are the basic stats and if whatever tool you are using to track your traffic does not give you these, I can only suggest that you quickly look for another tool to use at your site. How to Use Your Popular Pages to Increase Traffic and Page Views

One of the first pieces of information that will come out of most useful tools for tracking traffic will be the list of your most popular pages. What most people do not know is that you can dramatically build upon your current success. The immediate thing that you should do is to quickly churn out more content on the same subject in your most popular pages. Here it is a good idea to do some brainstorming first and come up with new ideas that will fill the most important gaps left behind by the articles on your most popular pages. When you have posted this fresh content, make sure that you link to it directly from your most popular pages. What will happen when you do this is that visitors arriving at your site to view your most popular pages will spend more time at your site and the page views achieved at your website will dramatically increase. In addition, if you do your keyword research properly and use the right related keyword phrases, then chance of you attracting more traffic from search engines will increase. What to Do With Keyword Phrases That Attract Traffic to Your Site

If your tracing device is any good, it should also be able to give you a list of keyword phrases used to find your site. This is very valuable information because in this case search engines are speaking to you and telling you something. Start with the keyword phrases where you are sure your visitor did not quite find what they were looking for and yet it is within the mandate of your site to provide that information. This will ensure that the next time somebody uses those keywords to find your site, they will get the information they are looking for which will cause them to spend a much longer time at your site. Research after research has consistently shown that the longer folks spend at your site, the more profitable they will end up being to you. As for keywords phrases used for which there is already adequate information on your site, you should make every effort to completely dominate those keyword phrases. The way to do this is to research all related keyword phrases including synonyms. Pages Where Visitors Spend the Longest Can Also Be Valuable

You can also make good use of web pages where your visitors spent the longest time. Firstly these are the pages where you should place plenty of links pointing to your other pages because chances that they will be seen and used are very high. The again you should also create more content around the same topic and chances are that your visitors will also spend a long time on your new pages on the same subject. All these things that you do using information from your current web stats are bound to have a dramatic net effect on your site which should increase page views, the time visits spend on your site, and ultimately the revenue and profits that your site generates. I suggest you to read more information at,, and dengarblogku blog.

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